Monday, December 14, 2009

Catch-Up Time

Life has been so busy lately! I used to be so good about getting things up here within a few days since the event happened (Or even the day of!). But, quite a few things have been happening and I haven't written anything! And I wrote about none of it. So, even though it's a little late, (which I apologize for) here is another update:

Getting Our Christmas Tree!

We found our tree (Right behind us) in record time! Like 10 minutes. Usually we drive from place to place until we found the perfect tree.. but this one seemed just fine. :)
Got it tied to the car:)

After! (If the lights showed.. you'd be in awe) ;)

Choir Hayride:
On the Hayride. I look gross, but it's the only one I got on the hayride!
Cammie dropped her hotdog in the fire. lol.
I love this girl!
And then Katie burnt her marshmellows.
For us, part of having a good time is acting.. pretty crazy.
(Obviously) :)

Catherine and I had some fun on the rope:)

Katie (on the floor) was trying to swing on the same swing as Cammie and fell...
the rest is history.
Cammie and my attempt to be on the same swing.
What a beautiful picture.
Don't you think?
It was a fantastic night! (Full of plenty of laughs)
Makeup Breakup Update
So, officially TODAY, I've gone a whole month without makeup! (Along with Cammie Jones, the only girl who stuck with this with me!)
After the first day, I was ready to call it quits. I thought about it all day long for about two weeks straight. Those were not the best two weeks of my life. I really hated the "new me". I hated it. I wouldn't look at myself in the mirror.
But in the middle of the second week, things started really changing. One day I went out the house and an hour later I realized: I hadn't thought about how I was leavng my safe haven without makeup on. And now I don't think about it nearly as much.
It was extremely difficult to get through this month. I thought about quitting too many times to count... but I didn't! And now it's not such a big deal to leave the house without makeup. In fact, some days it doesn't bother me at all!
Cammie and I have decided to continue to go without makeup until New Years Day, and then we'll decide if we think we're ready to wear it again (Not nearly as often, of course) or keep going.
Stay tuned...

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