Last night I watched the ring! My parents said it was scary, but every time they've said that in the past I wasn't scared. Well, props to them. This movie WAS pretty darn scary, but worth seeing!! :) (Although I did lose some sleep last night!)
I know, I know, the last day of school has come and gone but since I didn't have this blog back then I'm going to post some of the pictures now. :)
This was one of the first pictures I took. Emily is probably the most crazy-fun girl you'll EVER meet!
Okay don't make fun of me for putting up a picture of my algebra teacher. ;) Coach Collins is AWSOME!
On the left is one of my good friends, Wes. He's the strongest christian guy (my age!) that I know. On the right is Brandon.. I promise he doesn't always look like that! (You should see some other pictures I have of him though, they're REALLY funny!) o.O
This is Taylor, a really good friend of mine. She's amazing! :)Ifrah! She is definitely one of my best friends... you'll never meet anyone nicer! :) Chelsea, Ifrah, Me, and Hannah! Poor Hannah had her eyes closed, but this is the only picture I got of her! Definitely my favorite picture. =D
Here are some things I love: Meeting new people, being myself, songs from disney movies, chocolate, writing everywhere and anywhere, laughing, having lots of inside jokes, singing in the shower and practically anywhere else, mascara, the script, volleyball, oversized tshirts, making other people happy, and above all else- falling more in love with Jesus every day.