I can't believe Homecoming is finally over! It seems I've been preparing for so long, and then it all happens so quickly.
Each day last week you got to dress up a little differently. It was pretty fun(:! Then we had our Homecoming Game against Klein Forest Friday night (Which we lost, by the way. Miserably), and then Homecoming on Saturday! Everything went great except that most the girls had put all their cameras, phones, money, and school ID's in Shelby's coach purse which got stolen! Apparently lots of peoples things got taken. They really should have a place to put all your junk, with staff guarding it.. :( I got lucky, and nothing of mine was stolen.
Neon Day
Celebrity Day
Sarah. She was Spongebob! Hahaha.
Nerd Day
All my Choir Girl buddies. :)On the top there's Sierra, Cammie, and Katherine, and then McKenna, Katie, and me. They are all amazing!
Decade Day
(Dress as your favorite decade!)
My sister, Kayla, and I. She dressed as 70's and I did 50's. Love her!
Me, Katie, and Cammie. Some of the funniest girls aroundd(:
Spirit Day
(Dress in school colors and with your mum and garter! For those that don't know, in Klein, to symbolize that you have a date for Homecoming, the girl wheres a large, loud, thing called a mum, and the guy basically wears a smaller version of the mum around his arm)
Homecoming Game!